Lochardil Health and Wellbeing Night
Last Wednesday one of our team visited Lochardil Primary School as part of their health and wellbeing night. There were lots of interesting stalls for the pupils and parents as well as different speakers, informing kids and adults of the positive effects healthy living has on the body and mind. It was not only healthy eating that was presented but how reading can help your physical and mental health. We were there to show the different activities we do during the school term and holidays for kids and older individuals too. Also we presented the Pupil Equity Fund Project that we did at Lochardil Primary last year, which helps bridge the attainment gap for those from a challenging background. Thank you Lochardil for the invite to a great night and also the cups of tea!
Hilton Primary Visit
We have now finished our school visit to Hilton Primary School. Over the past month we have taken classes from Primary 1-7 for football sessions and worked on the different aspects of football whilst also playing lots of games. We even had the nursery children come in for some Nessie classes where we had a lot of fun using our imagination through movies and football. We look forward to our next visit to the classes at Hilton.
Birthday Party this weekend
This weekend will see the community department host another birthday party. The community team have been delivering Birthday Parties over many years and offer various different options to the birthday boy or girl who wants to take part in a football party. Parties can be delivered at a venue of your choice or at the stadium. If interested then get in touch with the community department on 07754 609425 or community@ictfc.co.uk