The club would like to send a big thank you to the companies and volunteers that helped us with Stadium improvements on Saturday.
The volunteers split in to two groups and one concentrated on the ground in front of the Sports Bar while the others tackled the bushes alongside the fence in the South Car Park.
A great mixture of experienced hands and youthful energy and ingenuity to tackle problems as they arose.
The club sends a massive thank you to the companies and business people who helped us, which includes Roddy Ross of AMRoss & Sons for the materials, Ali Bowen of Morris Leslie for the Plant, Garry MacKintosh of Highland Industrial Supplies for the PPE and Pauline Pies for our snacks and beverages.
A big thank you to the Volunteers who turned up. Charlie Maclennan, Calum Maclennan, Hamish Maclennan, Graeme Campbell, David Cullen, Daniel Keen, Daniel Hazell, Liam Mackay, Brian Hyde and ICTFC U18 player Lewis Hyde. Assisting from ICTFC were Jim Oliver, Andy Johnstone and Dave Mackay. Thank you everyone for your sterling efforts which are very much appreciated.