An incredible 1,031 fans watched ICTWFC host Rangers WFC at the Caledonian Stadium on Sunday 7th January, making it a record for a Women’s match in Inverness.

Inverness CT Women v Rangers Pic Trevor Martin

SWPL leaders Rangers showed their class coming out 12-0 winners in the end with goals from Rio Hardy (3), Rachel Rowe (2), Jane Ross (2), Kirsty MacLean, Sarah Ewens, Lizzie Arnot, Brogan Hay and Eilidh Austin

Manager Karen Mason said: “Rangers were everything that we anticipate. Their movement and everything was absolutely brilliant and they showed exactly why they are the best team in Scotland at the moment. I think the girls really enjoyed it albeit it was a loss at the end of the day but it was great to play against them.”

“I didn’t expect as big a crowd, i thought it would be a few hundred but to have over one thousand was excellent and it just shows the growth of the game in the Highlands. A team like Rangers coming up has obviously attracted more people as well. It’s great to play in front of that crowd at the Stadium.”

Inverness CT Women v Rangers Pic Trevor Martin