ICTFC first under 35s Football Fans in Training (FFIT) will start April 24th and is a twelve week course, which runs on Monday evenings from 7.00pm – 8.30pm. FFIT is a FREE course open to men aged 18 – 35 with waist size of at least 38 inches.
Designed specifically for men, the FFIT weekly plan is delivered by Community Coaches. Each week the session will be spilt with 50/50, 45 minutes theory work to help participants gain the tools to maintain long term change. With 45 minutes physical activity to your own ability outside, this will progress each week. No footballing skills are required on the course!
The main aims of the programme are to:
- Increase knowledge of diet & nutrition
- Improve lifestyle choices
- Increase physical activity amongst participants
- Reduce weight and waist measurements
- Increase engagement in other physical activity
For further information email alan.mckenzie@ictfc.co.uk