Calling all football enthusiasts – Euro 2020 may be in June but in the Highlands football is worth losing sleep over in January! The festive fun need not be followed by a New Year slump. This January ICT in the Community Trust are supporting a fitness challenge offering you and your pals the chance to get back in trim while making a real difference to deserving families across the Highlands and Islands.
ICT in the Community Trust are taking part in ‘ Sneckie Insomnia Soccer’ and would like to invite other local five a side teams to take part in the 12 hour overnight marathon on the 18th/19th January taking place at Inverness Leisure. Male and female teams of all ages will compete. The goal is not only to showcase the benefits of indoor football but to raise funds for Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) to assist their work throughout the Highlands and Islands. This
For the third year in a row ICT in the Community Trust will get the event going at 5pm on the Saturday with the kids. These teams will be made up of kids from around Inverness and they will kick on until 7pm, when they will hand on the baton to the ladies, disabled, walking footballers, sportsmen (18-30 years), mature (30-55) and veteran (over 55) categories to take over, playing in relays throughout the night.
The event has been organised by the Inverness Businesses Fives group which plays five-a-side football each Thursday evening at Millburn Academy. This year marks the 36th anniversary of the group’s first match. After a successful evening last year, this years target is to try and raise over £25,000!!
To register a team, or to find out more about the event, contact Ron Cruickshank (