The club can now confirm the arrangements for our match against Raith Rovers on Saturday 8th January at the Caledonian Stadium. This game will take place under a restricted capacity of 500.
Entry to this match will be available to Season Ticket holders only with tickets for the game being issued on a first come first served basis, up to the maximum capacity of 500. Match Tickets will be available to be claimed from 10am until 12pm on Friday 31st December.
Speaking to ICT Media CEO Scot Gardiner said “At our first capacity restricted game last season, the club conducted a ballot from our Season Ticket holder list but unfortunately this led to almost 40% of those selected in the ballot not turning up on matchday. In order to address this frustrating situation, we changed to an RSVP ballot for the second capacity restricted match. This was an improvement but again led to around 30% not attending on matchday, so to try and ensure that the maximum number of those wishing to attend actually have the opportunity to, we have decided to make this game a first come first served system in order to try and make sure that those Season Ticket holders who really want to attend, are able to.”
“We will speak to our Seasonal Hospitality members separately to explain how the current restrictions may affect their boxes or lounge.”
“ALL Season Ticket holders will of course be able to watch the match for free on ICTV and we will resend the instructions to everyone in advance of the game. There is no perfect scenario here as we deal with the latest restrictions placed on Scottish football but we hope that everyone will understand that we are trying to do our best to accommodate as many of our most loyal supporters as we possibly can and I would like to thank you in advance for your continued support.”
How to claim tickets for this match
Season Ticket holders can claim their ticket for this match by bringing their Season Ticket Card to the Caledonian Stadium Ticket Office from 10am until 12pm on Friday 31st December and from 10am until 4pm on Wednesday 5th January.
Season Ticket Cards must be brought to the Ticket Office, so staff can issue you with an actual match Ticket for the game against Raith Rovers.
Tickets will be issued one per each Season Ticket Card. If you are claiming for more than one person, please bring the relevant Season Ticket Cards with you.
Initially, tickets will only be available for Personal Callers at the Caledonian Stadium so that ticket office staff can manage numbers accordingly.
Subject to availability, any remaining tickets will then become available over the phone (01462 222880) from Thursday 6th January at 10am
Seating Arrangements
Both the Main Stand and North Stand will be open for this game.
There will be no allocated seating on the tickets issued, meaning it’s free seating in the Main and North Stands for this match. 1 metre distancing must take place between groups, this is 1 seat between groups in the Main Stand and 2 seats between groups in the North Stand. ICT Stewards will be in attendance to assist with this process.