
Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy
One of the Scottish FA’s ‘Leading the Game’ 2015-17 goals in Scotland United 2020 is to introduce a children’s wellbeing programme to embed safeguarding and child protection.
Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC fully supports the development of this initiative. These policies, procedures and safeguards therefore begin this rights-based process of ensuring children and young people are safe when they play football. This begins with understanding and promoting their rights, raising awareness of children’s wellbeing and recognising what needs to be done and the requirement to act on this when a child needs help or support.
Ultimately this will contribute to better experiences for children playing football. Regardless of age, gender, ability, ethnicity, location or their ambition to play, the goal is to ensure the consistency of a positive experience for every child. In addition to this document, there is a 3 hour Scottish FA Child Wellbeing in Scottish Football workshop that every member of Inverness CaledonianThistle FC staff, involved with players under the age of 18, takes part in.
Alex Chisholm and Willie MacLennan are the Child Wellbeing and Protection Officers at ICTFC and are contactable on 01463 222 880 or cwpo@ictfc.co.uk
Charlie Christie
Interim Chief Executive Officer
Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy